July 20, 2010 DO 92, s. 2010 – Implementing Guidelines on the Utilization of Deped Upgraded Printing Services

July 20, 2010
DO 92, s. 2010
Implementing Guidelines on the Utilization of Deped Upgraded Printing Services
  1. This Department through the Technical Service-Materials Production and Publication Division (TS-MPPD) shall implement the following guidelines on the utilization of its upgraded printing services:
  2. The target beneficiaries for the printing services are the bureaus, services, centers and units of the DepEd Central Office and all DepEd regional offices.
  3. These guidelines are in pursuant to Item No. 9 of DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2010 entitled Budget Strategy for Basic Education for FYs 2010-2015 (Strengthening the Planning, Implementation and Coordination of DepEd Programs, Projects and Activities).
  4. For more information, please contact Mrs. Bernadette L. Narvasa, Chief, Educational Audio-Visual Division (EAVD) and Officer-in-Charge-Chief, Materials Production and Publication Division-Technical Service (MPPD-TS) at telephone no.: (02) 635-3765 or thru cellphone no.: 0919-420-4826.
  5. Immiediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.
Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC