DO 14, s. 1991 – Reiterating the Functions of the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education and Designating Members Thereto

February 19, 1991
DO 14, s. 1991
Reiterating the Functions of the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education and Designating Members Thereto
To:    Bureau Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Technical and Vocational School Superintendents
1.   The Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education was created under DECS Order No. 63, s.1983 as provided for in Loan Agreement No. 531-PHI known as the Technical and Vocational Education Project (TVEP). It is a consultative, advisory and policy-recommending body to the Director of the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education. Its goal is to assist the BTVE in improving the quality of technical and vocational education and training programs and graduates, and in matching these to the requirements of industry and the economy.
2.   Subject to the authority of the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, the TPTVE as a consultative, advisory and policy-recommending body, shall assist in the enhancement of BTVE’s effectiveness in planning and mentoring technical and vocational education and training, and provide the necessary support in the areas of manpower analysis, government accreditation, polities and standards development, and monitoring and evaluation.
3.   The membership of the Panel shall be comprised of all sectors and institutions which have to do with technical and vocational education and training, viz:
     a.   Cluster of Technologies:
              1. Microelectronics, Instrumentation and Control, Communication, and Information Technology
                  2. Metals, Engineering, Transportation, Energy, Mining
                  3. Construction Materials, Chemicals, Plastics, Industrial Minerals, Polymers, Pharmaceuticals
                  4. Textiles, and Garments Technology
                  5. Agriculture, Food, Aquaculture, Forestry and Feeds Industry
     b.   Private Sector
                 1. Management
                 2. Labor
     c.   Government
                 1. BTVE Director (Vice Chairman)
                 2. DTI
                 3. DOLE
The chairperson shall be elected by the members from among themselves. To ensure continuity, half of the members shall serve continuously for a period of three (3) years and the other half for a period of four (4) years beginning January 1, 1991.
4.   The TPTVE maintains a secretariat which shall be staffed by specialists representing any and all the sectors as enumerated in paragraph 3 above, duly appointed by the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, as recommended by the Director of the BTVE. The secretariat shall be headed by an executive secretary, who shall have an impeccable track record in policy research for technical fields. The secretariat shall have the following functions: perform data gathering, and analysis of technical manpower supply and demand; conduct institutional survey, conduct policy and standards development; undertake policy researches; and provide management information services.
5.   The chairman may retain the services of a pool of consultants to serve the technical committees of the Panel. The Panel members, consultants and secretariat, in consideration of their services shall receive monthly honorarium/allowances and salaries, respectively, at rates authorized under existing rules and regulations. The budget of the Technical Panel shall continue to be drawn from funds transferred from TVEP Recurrent Cost, under the Office of the Secretary, locally funded projects (B.22) page 136 of the General Appropriations Act FY 1990, and shall thereafter be made a part of the regular appropriations of the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education in the Annual Appropriations Act.
6.   Any previous provisions inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded.
7.  Wide dissemination of this Order is desired.


                                                                                                                     ( SGD. ) ISIDRO D. CARINO


DECS Order:  (No. 63, s. 1983)
Allotment:          1-3—(M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: