August 30, 1996 – DO 59, s. 1996 – Creation of the Center for Education and Technology


August 30, 1996
DO 59, s. 1996
Creation of the Center for Education and Technology

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. In line with the modernization program of this Department to attain quality education towards “Philippines 2000”, a Center for Education and Technology (CET) is hereby created to facilitate and fast track DECS projects and activities involving the utilization of educational technology.
  2. Its main structure shall be composed of a mini-model of a School of the Future to showcase the modem concepts of a multimedia-aided instructional system and a Showroom where multimedia equipments, facilities and materials are previewed, presented for demonstration, and stored.
  3. The functions of the Center are:
    1. facilitates the organization of Schools of the Future and Multimedia Task Forces in the field with the latter overseeing the operational implementation of the former;
    2. facilitates the development and production of localized multimedia instructional materials;
    3. provides training for DECS personnel, school administrators, curriculum/subject specialists, and teachers in the utilization of multimedia technology;
    4. establishes linkages with agencies concerned in the industry of multimedia for cooperative and collaborative endeavor on matters concerning transfer of technology, equipments, and instructional multi-media materials; and
    5. performs other functions as may be assigned to it.
  4. Temporarily, the Center shall be manned by the DECS Multimedia Task Force with its Team Leader as Officer-in-Charge until after its staffing pattern and budgetary allocations for its operation have been prepared and approved/provided for. In the meantime, its operational expenditures shall be charged against OSEC funds or from other DECS sources.
  5. All DECS offices and attached agencies are requested to lend full support to the Center to realize its goal.
  6. Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.

DECS Memorandum: No. 56, s. 1996
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

It is indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
