August 31, 1999 DO 94, s. 1999 – Work Schedules of Security Guards, Watchmen and Janitors in Elementary/Secondary/Vocational Schools

August 31, 1999
DO 94, s. 1999
Work Schedules of Security Guards, Watchmen and Janitors in Elementary/Secondary/Vocational Schools
To:   Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Elementary/Secondary/Vocational School Principals
1.   The Civil Service ;Commission, in a letter dated June 11, 1999, has brought in the Department’s attention the plight of security guards and janitors assigned In the different elementary, secondary and vocational schools who are required to render work every day including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. This work schedule may adversely affect their health and duties as head of their families.
2.   Some of them are required to render services in excess of the required 40 hours for the whole week but are not granted overtime pay due to lack of funds. Attention is invited to DECS Order No. 34, s. 1997 on the granting of overtime pay to Security guards who render service in excess of forty (40) hours of service a week.
3.   Heads of elementary, secondary and vocational schools are requested to adopt a work schedule that will allow at least a whole day rest and recreation for their security guards, watchmen and janitors, within the 40- hour week law.
4.   Wide dissemination of this Order is desired.




Reference: DECS Order: (No. 34, s. 1997)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)                                 ‘
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: