November 6, 1997 – DO 91, s. 1997 – Special Hardship Allowance for Multigrade Teachers (SHA-MGT)

November 6, 1997
DO 91, s. 1997
Special Hardship Allowance for Multigrade Teachers (SHA-MGT)

To: Bureau Directors, Regional Directors
School Superintendents, Principals of Public Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. Special Provision No. 2 of the General Appropriations Act of 1996 concerning Special Hardship Allowance, states that “The amount therein appropriated shall be used to pay the allowance of teachers exposed to hardship or extreme difficulty in the place of work and to teachers assigned to handle multigrade classes as determined by the Secretary of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports: PROVIDED, that the availment of the allowance shall preclude entitlement, to hazard pay authorized under Section 40 of the General Provisions of this Act: PROVIDED, FINALLY, that such allowance shall not exceed 25% of the basic pay.”
  2. A Multigrade Teacher (MGT) is hereby defined as public school teacher handling a class of two or more grades.
  3. MGTs who meet the qualifications for availment of the Hardship Allowance in accordance with DECS Order No. 73, s. 1996, shall be paid under said Order while those who are not qualified shall be paid the Special Hardship Allowance for handling MG classes at a fixed monthly rate stipulated below. A MGT is entitled to one scheme only.
    MGTs handling classes of two grades = P 150.00
    MGTs handling classes of 3 grades = 200.00
    MGTs handling classes of 4 or more grades = 300.00
  4. This Special Hardship Allowance will be withdrawn as soon as MGT transfers to a single grade class or when a multigrade class is converted to single grade due to increase in enrolment and the subsequent assignment of an additional teacher.
  5. Certification as to qualified teachers shall be submitted to the regional director by the division superintendent concerned using the prescribed form, sample attached, as basis for payment. Funds shall be sub-allotted and cash allocations obtained through the usual procedures, after verification, determination and submission of required amounts by the regional office or the division office. Fund source is a nationwide lump-sum appropriation, release of which is subject to submission of a special budget to DBM, unlike salaries which is released on a regular basis. Erroneous or fraudulent payment shall be subject to sanctions and penalties in accordance with existing laws, rules, and regulations.
  6. Accrual of this allowance shall start with school year 1997-1998 and covers the period a teacher is assigned to teach a multigrade class.
  7. Henceforth, all regions shall ensure that funds for the purpose of this Order are included in their budget.
  8. This Order shall take effect immediately.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: No. 73, s. 1996 Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
