K to 12 in Cordillera sets for a brighter future

DepEd stakeholders renew support

The K to 12 program here in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is set for a brighter future as stakeholders and partner agencies of the Department of Education (DepEd) expressed their support and commitment during the 2015 Regional Basic Education Congress last week.

Bannered by its theme, “K to 12, Moving Onwards in Synergy with all Systems”, the congress kicked off with the ceremonial butchering of pigs as a way to seek blessings or invoke good fortune and success for DepEd programs and concluded in a festive mood last October 7 to 9.

DepEd CAR Regional Director Ellen B. Donato recognized the continuous support and active involvement of all stakeholders and partner agencies in meeting the challenges of the K to 12 program alongside the Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED) Roadmap.

“We are honored that you have been with us all these years since DepEd cannot pursue the full implementation of K to 12 without your steadfast support and inspiration,” Donato said.

Senior High School updates were also presented including the preparation of schools in absorbing incoming grades 11 to 12 students.

On the other hand, Assistant Regional Director Estela L. Cariño expounded on the regional policy framework anchored on the DepEd national policy including the region’s IPED policy and IPED Curriculum frameworks.

The stakeholders which include the council of elders, political leaders, officials from the eight schools division offices, non-government organizations, universities and colleges, other line agencies like the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) among others renewed their commitment in framing up an education system in the region that is more responsive to learners.

On the same day, an IPED coffee table book entitled, “This is Home”, which contains the journey of IP education as well as a documentation of efforts in the region towards culture-based and culture-responsive education being espoused by the department was launched together with the official regional website, depedcar.ph.

Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs Alberto T. Muyot graced the occasion during its second day and congratulated everyone for a well-attended education congress that also highlights the distinctiveness of the Cordillera people.

The first Knowledge Sharing Series was also conducted wherein relevant researches, success stories, and scholarship insights were presented.

A fitting addition to the congress was the cultural dance presentations, indigenous games and photography contests done in the afternoon and participated in by the different schools division offices. Ifugao division dominated the indigenous games including the cultural dance presentation. The same division garnered the top prize for the search for best booth showcasing the uniqueness of their province including their products and K to 12 advocacy campaigns.

The Regional Basic Education Congress is an annual activity which started 2013 and aims to revisit milestones in the implementation of K to 12 and IPED in the region, recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations, strengthen knowledge sharing culture in the organization, signify support in the implementation of DepEd programs and to showcase the unique indigenous culture of the region.