October 20, 1997 – DO 81, s. 1997 – Grant of Amelioration Assistance Benefit Amended by DO 100, s. 1997 – Corrigendum to DECS Order No. 81, s. 1997 (Grant of Amelioration Assistance Benefit)

October 20, 1997
DO 81, s. 1997
Grant of Amelioration Assistance Benefit

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Service/Regional Directors
Cultural Agencies/Directors
Chiefs of Divisions and Heads of Unit

  1. Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 365 dated October 10, 1991, entitled “Authorizing the Grant of Amelioration Assistance to All Government Personnel and Prohibiting Payments of Similar Benefits in Future Years Unless Authorized by the President,” the grant of amelioration assistance as fringe benefit is hereby authorized to all DECS officials and employees chargeable against savings.
  2. This benefit shall be given to each official and employee of the Department regardless of salary and appointment status, who have rendered at least, four (4) months of service as of the payment of the said benefit except those serving under service contract. The maximum amount authorized for each qualified personnel is Seven Thousand Two Hundred Pesos (P7,200.00).
  3. Payment of this benefit shall be on a staggered basis, to wit:
    3.1 P2,000.00 beginning October 20, 1997
    3 .2 the balance, on such amount as may be justified by savings generated by then, not later than December 24, 1997
  4. Those who have actually rendered less than four (4) months of service shall be entitled to an amount proportionate to actual service rendered as follows:
    Actual Length of Service / Amount
    Less than 4 months but not less than 3 months / 75% of amount due
    Less than 3 months but not less than 2 months / 50% of amount due
    Less than 2 months but not less than 1 month / 25% of amount due
  5. The Regional/Bureau Directors, and Heads of Cultural Agencies and Units are enjoined to save for the payment of the balance of the Amelioration Benefit to their respective personnel, which shall be uniformly effected/applied pursuant to Section 4 of Administrative Order no. 365.
  6. For immediate compliance.

Allotment: l-(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
