JICA and DepEd co-host conference to promote stronger partnership between senior high schools and industry

Monday, November 14, 2016
The Department of Education (DepEd) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), through Project for Supporting Senior High School (SHS) Program in Technical Vocational High Schools, co-hosted the Industry Summit from November 7 to 9, in Pasig City.
The three-day conference facilitated network building and partnership between SHSs and the industry, with the participation of principals of 280 Strengthened Technical-Vocational Educational Program (STVEP) schools and more than 20 representatives of major industries and industry associations nationwide. Among the companies and industry associations invited to the event were Rollmaster Machinery & Industrial Services, Rohm, Philippine Die and Mold Association (PDMA), and Bohol Association for Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants (BAHRR).
The conference also provided an opportunity for SHS modeling schools to share with other schools good practices in building partnerships with the industry, and to develop their industry partnership-related action plans.
The said JICA project started in 2014 and is intended to support the early implementation of SHS program for selected STVEP schools in better linking schooling and industry needs. The project also helps disseminate good practices and lessons learnt by these SHS modeling schools.
“This event is held in a timely manner as SHS and industry representatives gather to share updates of SHS implementation and industry expectations towards SHS graduates. As we enter the second semester of the SHS program, schools can also present their experiences in the first semester to spot good practices and challenges,” said Mr. Tetsuya Ishii, the Chief Advisor of the JICA Project.
The Philippines has already began implementing fully its K to 12 curriculum this year, expanding its education cycle from the previous 10 years to a globally comparable 12 years. As of end of October, 5,994 public schools offer SHS program and the total enrollment for Grade 11 in these schools stands at 740,000. In addition to public schools, 4,827 private schools are offering SHS program.
Project Website
Project for Supporting Senior High School Program in Technical Vocational Schools