July 3, 1997 – DO 49, s. 1997 – The Revised School Health and Nutrition Service Manual
July 7, 1997
DO 49, s. 1997
The Revised School Health and Nutrition Service Manual
To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Heads of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
- The Department of Education, Culture and Sports, through the Health and Nutrition Center, aims to standardize the operations of the health and nutrition programs and projects,, harmonize the health and nutrition activities in the schools, and ensure its continuous and effective implementation through the utilization of the revised School Health and Nutrition Service.
- The manual contains the policies arid guidelines of the medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and health education programs and the skills requirement for each discipline including the scope and the plan of work that would provide the school health and nutrition personnel policy and program direction.
- The manual shall be distributed to all school health anti nutrition personnel for their utilization and a guide for school administrators regarding the operations of the school health and nutrition program.
- All concerned personnel shall perform their functions in accordance with the set of procedures contained in the manual, Regional Health and Nutrition Personnel are tasked to supervise, monitor and oversee the utilisation of the service manual in the field.
- Compliance with this Order is desired.
Allotment: 1-2-4–(M.O.1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: