DO 71, s. 1985 – Clarification on Authority Delegation under MECS Order No. 23, s. 1984, in Relation to MEC Order No. 53, s. 1979

December 6, 1985
DO 71, s. 1985
Clarification on Authority Delegation under MECS Order No. 23, s. 1984, in Relation to MEC Order No. 53, s. 1979

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. The delegation of authority to Regional Offices on grant of permit and recognition to open/operate schools/courses, as provided in MECS Order No. 23, s. 1984 (Authority Delegation to Regional Offices), is limited to private schools only.
  2. Pursuant to MEC Order No. 53, s. 1979, course in public schools other than those authorized by law when the school was established, are authorized either by law through legislation or by MECS Order of the Minister. The issuance by the Minister of an authority by MECS Order follows a certain process which includes the specific legal basis for the approval of budgetary appropriations to support the new course, and the release of the additional allocation by the Ministry of the Budget.
  3. The distinct and separate coverage of the two Orders mentioned herein shall be observed, and strict compliance with the requirements called for is enjoined.

Reference: MEC Order No. 53, s. 1979
MECS Order No. 23, s. 1984
Allotment: 1-2—(D.O. 1-76)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
