DO 40, s. 1990 – Amendment to MECS Order No. 48, s. 1986 (Delegation of Authority to the Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors)

April 25, 1990
DO 40, s. 1990
Amendment to MECS Order No. 48, s. 1986 (Delegation of Authority to the Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors)

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. In view of the proliferation of highly advanced and technical courses such as B.S. in Computer Engineering, B.S. in Computer Science and similar courses without the appropriate government authority duly issued by the proper DECS instrumentality, and the need to enforce compliance to the Revised Policies and Standards for Engineering Education and with other related standards by the body mandated to regulate and upgrade such courses, provision 4.b.2.a under the Higher Education Level of MECS Order No. 48, s. 1906 is hereby amended.
  2. MECS Order No. 48, s. 1986 delegates to the DECSROs specific authority and some responsibilities for the economic, efficient and effective implementation of the national and local programs in accordance with the policies and standards developed by the Central Office. The aforesaid provision authorizes the Regional Office to grant/withdraw permits for the operation of third level of instruction for non-board and non-bar courses. Furthermore, non-board and non-bar courses are defined as courses which do not require government examinations after graduation.
  3. It is hereby clarified that all engineering and related courses including those without board examinations such as B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, B.S. Computer Engineering, and B.S. in Industrial Engineering as well as the B.S. in Computer Science are excluded from the coverage of said MECS Order to ensure uniformity and continuity in the issuance of permit/renewal permits and government recognition.
  4. In line with the policy of the DECS to maintain internal efficiency and effectiveness, the authority to grant, renew or revoke permits/recognition to all engineering and related courses are hereby retained at the Bureau of Higher Education (BHE) as recommended by the Technical Panel for Engineering Education. The Regional Offices shall continue to discharge their functions over these courses on a recommendatory capacity.
  5. All orders and issuances inconsistent with this Order are hereby superseded, amended and modified accordingly.
  6. This Order shall take effect immediately.

Reference: MECS Order No. 48, s. 1986
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
