DO 90, s. 1988 – Criteria for Accrediting Non-Government Organizations Undertaking Educational Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Training Programs and Similar Activities

September 23, 1988
DO 90, s. 1988
Criteria for Accrediting Non-Government Organizations Undertaking Educational Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Training Programs and Similar Activities

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Cultural Agency Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. It is recognized that professional and other non-government organizations (NGOs), especially those directly involved in education, participate actively in the continuing education of the professional and technical manpower of the country. NGOs, therefore, have an important role to play in education, and the Department is interested to work with them as partners in the educative process. However, the increasing number of such organizations requesting funding assistance for their activities places a big burden upon the Department’s financial resources.
  2. Accordingly, DECS Order No. 20, s. 1988 which provides guidelines on seminars, workshops, conferences, and other training programs was issued in substantial conformity with the joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 87-1 that required the formulation of criteria for accrediting professional and other non-government organizations for participation under the Department’s program of partnership with NGOs. The following criteria for accrediting such organizations are therefore issued for the information and guidance of all concerned.
    1. Must be an organization of professionals duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
    2. Operates in an academic area of concern related to education or training;
    3. Shows evidence of track record for its competence in managing group activities; and
    4. Possesses or has access to material and other resources to properly mount and manage its proposed activities
  3. The following procedures for accreditation shall be followed:
    1. An organization seeking accreditation must submit an application for accreditation to the DECS along with the following documents:
      (1) Constitution and by-laws;
      (2) SEC registration;
      (3) List of incumbent officers and board of directors and their addresses;
      (4) List of members and chapters, if any;
      (5) Organized program of activities
    2. Each application for accreditation shall be processed by an Accreditation Committee consisting of:
      Mr. Marcial A. Salvatierra – Chairman
      Dr. Diosdado P. Tuason – Member
      All Bureau and Center Directors – Members) To serve when
      Director, Institute of Philippine Languages – -do- the applicant
      Director, National Library – -do-) is involved
      Director, National Museum – -do-) in their
      Director, National Historical Institute
      – -do-) respective areas of responsibility
    3. A Certificate of Accreditation will be issued by the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports upon favorable recommendation of the Accreditation Committee.
  4. Accreditation shall be subject to review every two years and may be revoked b the Secretary for cause.
  5. It is desired that this Order be widely disseminated among interested organizations.
  6. This Order supplements DECS Order No. 20, s. 1988, and shall take effect immediately.


References: DECS Order: (No. 29, s. 1988)
Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
