Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development

  • Develops and implements an Organization Development (OD) Framework for the Department that is responsive to aspirations of the organization to support the delivery of basic education.
  • In collaboration with the Project Development Division (PDD) of the Project Management Service (PMS), designs Education Development Programs and Projects (EDPPs) in the context of the organization development framework and plan of the Department.
  • Integrates and orchestrates the development of all national policy and operational frameworks of the different offices in the Department.
  • Integrates and orchestrates the implementation of the Department’s organization development and management agenda and programs.
  • Manages, coordinates and implements specific EDPPs to ensure relevance, quality, completion and sustainability of results.
  • Develops and strengthens the in-house capability on the operation and management of organization development and change initiatives.
  • Generates knowledge and information derived from the implementation and evaluation of EDPPs for future development and design initiatives.

Offices and divisions:

  1. Office of the Director
  2. Employee Welfare Division
  3. Human Resource Development Division
  4. Organization Effectiveness Division
  5. School Effectiveness Division

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

  • Formulates a national strategic framework for the professional development of all DepEd personnel, including all education managers and educators.
  • Provides and manages needs-based and demand-driven professional development programs for the continuing education of the human resources of the Department (e.g. scholarship programs), which includes providing technical assistance to the NEAP in the regions for the same purpose.
  • Develops learning maps, training program designs and resource packages for various human resource groups.
  • Quality assures the NEAP in the regions including the accreditation/recognition of training programs, trainers, and training service providers.
  • Manages the Training and Development Information System (TDIS), a component of the HRMIS, in support to the provision of quality programs.
  • Links with the CHED and teacher education institutions for the development and recognition of NEAP training programs for credit units at the graduate level or for specialization/certificate/degree programs.
  • Manages partners’ support to professional development.

Offices and divisions:

  • Office of the Director
  • Professional Development Division
  • Quality Assurance Division

Teacher Education Council Secretariat

Shall primarily provide technical and administrative assistance to the Council in preparing policy recommendations, executing its policies and programs, and coordinating with various teacher education advisory bodies.