List of Units & Functions
There are three (3) units under the EPS handling the different partnership needs of the Department namely:
· Private Sector Partnerships Unit (PSPU)
· Government and Community Partnerships Unit (GCPU)
· Special Events Unit (SEU)
The Private Sector Partnerships Unit (PSPU) develops and manages strategic and sustainable partnerships with the private sector to respond to the needs of DepEd stakeholders.
The following are the functions of the PSPU:
· Cultivate and coordinate partnerships with the private sector in the following areas:
Partnership agreements
Other similar undertakings
· Provide policy direction in promoting private sector engagement in education;
· Oversee DepEd’s Adopt-A-School Program and its functions as the ASP Secretariat in accordance to RA 8525; and
· Provide technical assistance to field offices on partnership frameworks and processes.
The following are the PSPU key result areas:
· Growth in private sector contribution to basic education;
· Private sector programs and donations more aligned with DepEd’s own priorities, goals, and programs especially K to 12 program and programs for hard-to-reach learners;
· Policies and guidelines on private sector contributions in place;
· Partnerships Focal Persons in the field are knowledgeable on Partnerships Framework, Processes and Requirements; and
· Database on private sector contributions/ participation are readily available.
The Government and Community Partnerships Unit (GCPU) builds and strengthens partnerships with National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) and local communities towards alignment and complementation at all levels, addressing resource gaps and ensuring effective and efficient service delivery responsive to the needs of all learners.
The GCPU shall be responsible for the following:
· Partnership Development and Management
– Develop new partnerships with NGAs, LGUs, CSOs, NGOs and local communities
– Strengthen and sustain existing partnerships
– Monitor and evaluate developed partnerships at all level
· Policies and Guidelines Formulation
– Assist in formulating new and strengthening existing policies and guidelines in dealing with NGAs, LGUs, CSOs, NGOs and local communities
– Develop a manual/handbook for partnerships building and management
· Resource Generation and Mobilization
– Identify resource gaps in basic education
– Formulate and implement advocacy and communication plans
– Generate and mobilize resources
· Database Management
– Review and enhance the existing database management system of the contributions of NGAs, LGUs, CSOs, NGOs and local communities
– Build and update the database
– Generate Reports
· Provision of Technical Assistance and Capacity Building
– Identify training needs of internal implementers
– Provide technical assistance and training to internal implementers
The following are the projects and programs that are needed to be implemented by the GCPU in order to fulfill its goal:
· Develop a manual/handbook to help Regions, Divisions and Schools to engage more stakeholders
· Develop a tool to gather to capture information on all partnership initiatives within DepEd to strategically address resources gaps in basic education delivery
· Conduct activities to strengthen and sustain existing partnerships with NGAs, LGUs, CSOs, NGOs and local communities
The Special Events Unit’s (SEU) main function covers planning, implementation and monitoring of activities considered to be special in nature. SEU coordinates with other agencies both government and non-government in order to effectively and successfully implement special projects.
The Special Events Unit shall be responsible for the following:
· Commemoration of the National Observances, Historical Celebrations and Milestone Events
· Partnership with National and Local Government Agencies (NGAs, LGAs), and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in implementing the events that require DepEd’s participation
· Capacity building for Regional and Division coordinators
· Conduct of World/National Teachers’ Day, Project W.A.T.C.H (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) and National Music Competition for Young Artist.
Legal Bases
Tiers of Governance | Legal and Other Basis | Gist |
International Level | Article 7 of the World Declaration on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990 | National, regional, and local educational authorities have a unique obligation to provide basic education for all, but they cannot be expected to supply every human, financial or organizational requirement for this task. New and revitalized partnerships at all levels will be necessary: partnerships among all sub-sectors and forms of education; … partnerships between government and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, local communities, religious groups and families…. Genuine partnerships contribute to the planning, implementing, managing and evaluating of basic education programs. (World Conference on Education for All, 1990). |
Regional Level | ASEAN Workplan on Education 2016-2020 | Workplan highlighted the importance of strengthening , deepening and widening educational cooperation among ASEAN Member States, the ASEAN Dialogue Partners as well as other regional platforms in education ( |
National Level | Basic Education Governance Act of 2001 (RA 9155) | RA 9155 calls for greater decentralization in the delivery of basic education services in the tradition of school-based management. That is, it calls for the empowerment of schools and learning centers “to make decisions on what is best for the learners they serve” (Section 2 – Declaration of policy). Section 2 also asserts that the state will encourage local initiatives towards the improvement of the quality of basic education. |
RA 10533 (An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes) | Section 2(c) states: Make education learner-oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools and communities through the appropriate languages of teaching and learning, including mother tongue as a learning resource. |
Section 7 states: Teacher Education and Training. — To ensure that the enhanced basic education program meets the demand for quality teachers and school leaders, the DepED and the CHED, in collaboration with relevant partners in government, academe, industry, and nongovernmental organizations, shall conduct teacher education and training programs |
RA 7718 (An Act Authorizing the Financing, Construction, Operation and maintenance of Infrastructure Projects by the Private Sector and for Other Purposes) | SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. – The following terms used in this Act shall have the meaning stated below: | |
“[a] Private sector infrastructure or development projects. – The general description of infrastructure or development projects normally financed and operated by the public sector but which will now be wholly or partly implemented by the private sector, including but not limited to, power plants, highways, ports, airports, canals, dams, hydropower projects, water supply, irrigation, telecommunications, railroads and railways, transport systems, land reclamation projects, industrial estates or townships, housing, government buildings, tourism projects, markets, slaughterhouses, warehouses, solid waste management, information technology networks and database infrastructure, education and health facilities, sewerage, drainage, dredging, and other infrastructure and development projects as may be authorized by the appropriate agency pursuant to this Act. | ||
Republic Act 8525 (Adopt-a-School Act of 1998 and its revised IRR) | RA No. 8525, otherwise known as “An Act Establishing An “Adopt-A-School Program,” Providing Incentives Therefor, and for Other Purposes” has given private entities an opportunity to assist in the delivery of better quality basic education to public schools. Donor partners may avail of the tax incentives as provided in this Act. | |
Department of Education | Various Orders | DO No. 19, s.2010 Creating the International Cooperation Office (ICO) |
DO No. 24, s.2008 Institutionalizing the Brigada Eskwela Program | ||
DO No. 29, s.2013 Creating the Office of the Undersecretary for Partnerships and External Linkages (OUPEL) | ||
DO No. 40, s.2015 Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships | ||
DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2015 – New DepEd Structure | ||
Local Level | RA 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991) | Section 16, LGC 1991 : The LGUs are considered major partners in basic education because of its access and legal basis to provide supplementary funding support that is sustainable and earmarked for basic education- the Special Education Fund (SEF). The monies in the SEF comes from the 1% tax on real property as mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991. This is corollary to the General Welfare provisions of the LGC of 1991 liberally interpreted to give more powers to the LGUs in accelerating economic development and upgrading the quality of life for the people in the community. |