June 15, 2012 DO 59, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteers

June 15, 2012 DO 59, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteers June 15, 2012 DO 59, s. 2012 Revised continue reading : June 15, 2012 DO 59, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteers

June 15, 2012 DO 58, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Provision of Teaching Aid and Transportation Allowances to ALS Mobile Teachers and District Alternative Learning System Coordinators (DALSCs) Amended by

June 15, 2012 DO 58, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Provision of Teaching Aid and Transportation Allowances to ALS Mobile Teachers and District Alternative Learning System Coordinators (DALSCs) continue reading : June 15, 2012 DO 58, s. 2012 – Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Provision of Teaching Aid and Transportation Allowances to ALS Mobile Teachers and District Alternative Learning System Coordinators (DALSCs) Amended by

June 15, 2012 DO 51, s. 2012 – Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the Implementation of the Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools (APPES) Amended by

June 15, 2012 DO 51, s. 2012 – Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the Implementation of the Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools (APPES) Amended by June 15, continue reading : June 15, 2012 DO 51, s. 2012 – Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for the Implementation of the Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools (APPES) Amended by