DO 53, s. 2016 – Lifting of the Moratorium on the Supplementary Reading, Reference, and other Instructional Materials and the Approved List of Supplementary Reading Materials

DO 53, s. 2016 – Lifting of the Moratorium on the Supplementary Reading, Reference, and other Instructional Materials and the Approved List of Supplementary Reading Materials June 30, 2016 DO continue reading : DO 53, s. 2016 – Lifting of the Moratorium on the Supplementary Reading, Reference, and other Instructional Materials and the Approved List of Supplementary Reading Materials

DO 52, s. 2016 – Data Collection of Basic Education Statistics in the Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education Information System for Beginning of School Year 2016-2017

DO 52, s. 2016 – Data Collection of Basic Education Statistics in the Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education Information System for Beginning of School Year 2016-2017 June 30, continue reading : DO 52, s. 2016 – Data Collection of Basic Education Statistics in the Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education Information System for Beginning of School Year 2016-2017

DO 50, s. 2016 – Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Position in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Effective School Year 2016-2017

DO 50, s. 2016 – Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Position in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Effective School Year 2016-2017 June 29, 2016 DO 50, s. 2016 Hiring Guidelines continue reading : DO 50, s. 2016 – Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Position in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Effective School Year 2016-2017