Amendment to DepEd Order No. 047, s. 2016 (Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten Education) DO_s2022_040...

Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic DO_s2022_039...

Supplemental Guidelines No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2021 (Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program) DO_s2022_038...

Guidelines on the Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Schools in the Event of Natural Disasters, Power Outages/Power Interruptions, and Other Calamities DO_s2022_037...

Protocols and Guidelines on the Submission, Receipt, and Processing of Requests Related to the School Building Program DO_s2022_036...

Guidelines on Enrollment for School Year 2022–2023 in the Context of Re-Introduction of the In-Person Classes DO_s2022_035...