Balangkas ng Nagkakaisang Sambayanan (BANSA) Department of Education Peace Framework DO_s2022_016...

Amendment to DepEd Order No. 045, s. 2021 (Policy Guidelines on the Selection of and Minimum Requirements for the Conversion of Certain Schools with SPED Centers Into Prototype Inclusive Learning continue reading :...

Adoption of E-Saliksik: The DepEd Research Portal DO_s2022_014...

Omnibus Guidelines on the Regulation of Operations of the Parent-Teacher Associations DO_s2022_013...

Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources and Needed Devices and Equipment and Funding Relevant Activities for the Implementation of Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan DO_s2022_012...

Amendment to DepEd Order No. 038, s. 2020 (Guidelines Authorizing Payment of Communication Expenses of the Department of Education Personnel Relative to the Implementation of Alternative Work Arrangements for the continue reading :...