Guidelines on the Implementation of Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2020-2021 DO_s2020_035 Annex 1 JDVP-TVL Application Form- 01212020 Annex 2 JDVP-TVL Cert. continue reading :...
Extending the Deadline for Submission of Supporting Documents by Conditional Qualified Voucher Applicants under the Senior High School Voucher Program for SY 2020-2021 (Amendment to DepEd Order No. 16, s. continue reading :...
Implementing Guidelines on the Release, Utilization, Monitoring and Reporting of Program Support Funds for Alternative Learning System for Calendar Year 2020 DO_s2020_033...
Guidelines on the Engagement of Services of Learning Support Aides to Reinforce the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic DO_s2020_032...
Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan DO_s2020_031...
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 (School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020-2021) DO_s2020_030...