Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program for School Year 2020-2021 DO_s2020_023 ANNEX 1 Specifications and Quality Standards ANNEX 2 Ispection-and-Acceptance-Report-IAR-Form ANNEX 3 Breakdown of Allocation of continue reading :...

Additional Provisions and Amendments to DepEd Order No. 036, s. 2019 (Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program-Milk Feeding Component) DO_s2020_022 SBFP Forms 1-8 SBFP Form 9 – Parent’s continue reading :...

Policy Guidelines on the Adoption of the K to 12 Transition Curriculum Framework for Learners with Disabilities DO_s2020_021...

Adoption and Implementation of NEAP Professional Development Credit Unit Banking Mechanism for Participation of Teachers and School Leaders in NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Programs and Courses DO_s2020_020...

Application of Adaptive Strategies for Financing and Resource Mobilization for the Implementation of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 DO_s2020_019...

Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources in the Implementation of the Basic Education Continuity Plan DO_s2020_018 Annex A Statement of Expenditures v5 (1)...