Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2019-2020 DO_s2019_019...
Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of School-Based Feeding Program for Fiscal Year 2019 DO_s2019_018...
Guidelines on the Provision and Use of Official Mobile Phones, Postpaid Lines and Prepaid Loads DO_s2019_017...
Amendment of DECS Order No. 7, s. 1999 (Policies on Selection/Appointment and Transfer/Reassignment of DECS Regional Officials) DO_s2019_016...
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 18, S. 2018 (Revised Guidelines on Accreditation/Re-accreditation of Private Entities Under the Automatic Payroll Deduction System Program) DO_s2019_015...
Implementation of the P5,000 Net Take Home Pay for the Department of Education Personnel for Fiscal Year 2019 DO_s2019_014...