As a school structure, the Child Protection Committee (CPC) serves a vital role in ensuring that schools continue to be safe spaces for all learners. Via this eLearning course elaborated in partnership between the Department of Education - Child Protection Unit and Stairway Foundation, we hope the CPC's get to better understand their mandates and functions under the various policy issuances related to child protection. We also hope attendees of this course gain inspiration to continue upholding their commitment towards ensuring that every child in our schools continue to be protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation.
This eLearning course is presented by the DepEd Child Protection Unit in partnership with Stairway Foundation. Delivered asynchronously via Stairway's eLearning platform, the course aims to achieve the following:
- To enhance the knowledge and awareness of the participants on the various child protection concerns that learners might face.
- To build familiarity and awareness on the various DepEd policies and issuances related to child protection.
- To clarify the roles and responsibilities of the School Based Child Protection Committee.
- To enhance awareness on how to handle child protection concerns referred to the CPC.

Be a Buddy Not a Bully
Tam Tamaraw is being bullied by the Lizzards Gang. They bully him at school and online. How can Tam Tamaraw deal with the bullying? What should he do? In Be a Buddy not a Bully, interactive e-learning module, you will learn about the different types of bullying and what to do about it.

Add Friends, Not Strangers
Betty Butterfly has received a lot of new friend requests after signing up to different social media sites. Some of the friend requests come from strangers, whom Betty has never met before. Should Betty accept all of them? Should she ever meet any of them in real-life? In this interactive e-learning module, you will learn how to stay safe while having fun online.

Dude, That's Not Cool!
Learn how to use your Thinking Brain to recognize and reject pornography and stay safe online. We recommend parents join their children in doing this interactive module. One day while gaming on his device, a Pop-Up ad appeared on Gary Goat’s screen. Out of curiosity, Gary clicked on the Pop-Up Ad, and suddenly images of people with no clothes on filled his screen! Now, Gary looks at these bad images every day! How can Gary Goat deal with his pornography addiction? What can he do to stay safe online?
In the Dude, That’s Not Cool! interactive e-learning module, you will learn how to be the boss of your thoughts and recognize and reject pornography to stay safe online.

Some Things Are Not Worth Sharing
Sharing is a good thing. But some things are not worth sharing. Help Cam Chameleon and his friends learn in this interactive e-learning module what things are safe to share online and what things are not safe to share online.

The 4Rs Training is composed of two self-instructional modules that participants can complete at their own convenient time but preferably within one month upon enrollment. All sessions are asynchronous. The two modules feature video-recorded lectures of resource persons, supplemented by related references, and assessment tasks that participants must accomplish within set standards. Assessments will be automatically graded. Only if they meet the minimum passing levels of their outputs will participants be given access to proceed to the next tasks. There are built-in online feedback and client satisfaction forms that should be accomplished at the end of each module.
Laypersons, parents, teachers, counsellors, health professionals, social workers, law practitioners, police officers, citizens interested and dealing with children and women abuse who complete this training should be able to:
- Competently recognize potential victims of women and children abuse
- Competently record, report, and refer to appropriate people and / or agencies potential victims of women and children abuse
- Interview a child or woman who has disclosed abuse or is suspected of being abused
- Demonstrate strong commitment to the cause of protecting women and children from abuse.